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Participatory science accessible to amateurs, collective projects of passionate amateurs: here are the collaborative works in which I had the chance and the pleasure to participate. 

- The "Astropotos" group : a collective project of cumulative exposure time on common objects and reflection / work on tools and treatment process with a dozen astrophotographers


A full descriptive article of this project on the Photon Millenium website  by Jean-Baptiste Auroux

Our Astrobin gallery

- Star Party : a video show in which I participate as a commentator with other enthusiasts, dedicated to the practice of Astrophotography (equipment, treatment, advice etc ...), on the Astrofleet Youtube channel 

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- The M27 project : a collaborative image of the famous Dumbbell nebula (short exposures and long exposures with two 250 and 300mm Newton telescopes and a 400mm Ritchey-Chretien)


- The St-Dr 61 Victor's Nebula : collaboration with the Strottner-Drechsler team to image this probable planetary nebula for the 1st time  

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